I don't know if anyone who reads this blog is into ("adult" ;)) coloring pages, but I figured they'll get more use here than languishing in the recesses of my flash drive. So if you'd like to try them out, or you have to do some babysitting of kids who might be interested in coloring something more intricate than your usual coloring book, you can download high quality PDFs of any of the pages from the Google Drive folder here. A little early Christmas present from me to you, I suppose:) If you do use any of them, I'd love to see a picture! :) Send them to me at somethingsplendidstudios@gmail.com or tag me on social media or whatever floats your boat! (If there is any interest, I might feature some of them on the blog.
I looked at a lot of old ironwork for this one-lots of gates and gratings and whatnot. I love the delicate curving shapes and all the curlicues and swirls.
Based on European and Scandinavian folk art!
Mainly based off Art Nouveau-style shapes and curves. Again, I took some inspiration from the curves of ironwork-there are so many beautiful gates and doorways made in that era just begging to be made into a coloring book design :)
Enjoy, and merry early Christmas! :)