Tuesday, August 18, 2015

welcome to my blog!

Hello, world!           
I’m beyond excited to welcome you to Something Splendid Studios. After a lot of preparation, I’m finally starting my own art blog. I hope to be able to connect with other wonderful artists, receive constructive criticism and grow as an artist, and most of all to share the things I make with the world! I can’t say I don’t feel a little trepidation at the thought of putting my drawings up on the big bad silicon jungle of the internet, but I’m looking forward to figuring things out in this blogging adventure-so here we go!
This is the first drawing I’ve ever put on the internet-it’s a quick sketch of Anne of Green Gables, based on a reference picture here. It’s a bit rough and I didn’t spend a ton of time on it, but I intend for this blog to be somewhere I can post less finished pieces as well as bigger projects. I hope you like it!

My hope is to post twice a month, every other weekend. (I’m making an exception for today because I really wanted to get this up.) With the school year starting soon, I may have to adjust the posting schedule, but that will be the plan for now. I have a Pinterest board for my blog, where I’ll pin a link to each new post as it’s made. You can find me on Pinterest at https://www.pinterest.com/love2smile247/) There’s also a blog feature in the sidebar where you can follow by email and get an email whenever I post something new.
Thank you so much for reading-I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know this isn’t quite as much of a shout into the void as it feels like :)


  1. I love the drawing! I can't wait to see future posts:) I'd offer help with technical stuff but I'm not so expert myself!! Congratulations on starting, I think you'll enjoy it:) I've been really encouraged in sharing my art and writing, and I think you will be too!

    1. Thank you :D I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes:)

  2. Good for you! I can't wait to read/see more posts! I'll be sure to share it with Chris :)

    1. Chris did a "draw-over" for you. I sent it and his contact info. to your mom (because I don't have your email). He said you can call him so he can give you more explanations. He'd love to be your mentor!

    2. Wow that is amazing! Thank you! and I will definitely give him a call:)

  3. Mmmm I love how you did her clothes! And yeah, have fun with your blog :3 I'll be checking in sometimes

  4. You are such an amazing artist already Anna, I will love to see how this turns out!

    1. Wait is this Maryn? I didn't even know you had a blog!! Now I need to go follow yours :D


I love getting comments, so please tell me what you think! I moderate comments, so don't worry if yours doesn't show up right away. I try to reply to all my comments, so be sure to click the "notify me" box so you can see replies! :)