Wednesday, June 22, 2016

this is just to say

I have shamefully neglected
this blog
which was supposed to have a post
every week

and from which
you were probably
semi-quality content

Forgive me
I had so many exams
so stressful
and so time-consuming

-[william carlos williams, kind of]

postscript: final exams came along recently and quite rudely kicked me in the teeth. so this blog has been out of commission for a while . . . and I'm going to be away for several weeks! yikes! I'll be attempting to schedule some posts for your viewing pleasure during that time, so watch this space:) dear readers, thank you for your patience. <3


  1. Ha! I love the poem - such a cute and clever way of stating how it is...

  2. Don't even worry about it!! Blogging shouldn't add to ones stress. I've not been doing much on mine for the same reason. That being said- I can't wait till you're back:)
    (Love that poem, too <3)

    1. Aw, thank you-I totally agree. When blogging turns into a stressful thing, it's a lot less helpful as a creative outlet and becomes kind of an exercise in futility. :/ I'm glad to be back (even though it means I'm replying to all these comments super late! haha.)

  3. I completely understand about the exams! I shamefully neglected my blog, too, during that time, popping in only for a couple posts saying I was busy. :) Hope you get less busy soon!

    1. Everyone has been really understanding about it-I guess as bloggers we all get burnt out and overloaded with stress from time to time. I'm glad to be back, and I'm excited to catch up on your blog! :)


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