Friday, March 31, 2017


Hey everyone. I'm back from the dead! Yes, I've been crazy busy (ain't we all?!) but the truth is, I've also been a bit conflicted about keeping up this blog. I started it as a place to post art, but it's strayed a bit with more random posts and graphic design stuff-and I think that's okay, but I do think that I've kind of been addressing two different purposes with this blog, and I'm not sure if I want to keep doing that. I do love this little blog and I think I want to keep posting on it, but I've been thinking of moving the art-related content to a different blog that will be more focused on sketches, and letting this blog continue sliding in its "less art-related" trajectory . . . I'll be starting college next year as a pre-animation major at a school with a great (very competitive!) animation program, and I'd like to have an "art" blog established before I start school to help me keep up with my art progress and to have something to share with other people I'll meet. So I will continue posting art in any case (it just might not be on this blog!) But if I continued posting here in more of a "normal blog" style, would you still be interested in reading that? Eh. I don't even know if I'd have anything to say . . . And I do have some work on here that I'm proud of, along with the stuff I'm not so proud of anymore, so I really would feel sad leaving it behind. Maybe I'll repost some of the drawings I still like on the new art blog? ???? And goodness mercy me, what on earth would I name it? (the most important question, right?) I also want to put together a separate portfolio type website for some of my graphic design work . . . but that's a topic for another post.

(Picture I took on my walk the other day so this post isn't just me talking ;) I love how the ice mirrors the shape of the oak leaves.)

Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on what I should do with this little corner of the internet. Pitch it entirely and start over? Keep it up but switch posting to a new, more "strictly art-related" blog? Try to keep two blogs going while keeping their focuses in different places? I've even been thinking about moving to Wordpress or Tumblr (at least for an art blog?) a bit.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye . . . until my next post!


  1. I'm no help to you (esp. since I've failed miserably at keeping up my own blog lately!). I do try to keep up with reading all the blogs I follow, particularly the ones where I even somewhat 'know' the authors! So if you keep this one, randomness and all, I'll still be following along :D
    One thing I can tell you is that I recently read that Wordpress is better for more professional type blogs. I'm not sure why, and personally I prefer (as a reader) a blogger blog. But, apparently it has something to do with logistics and hits and such like. Anyways it might be worth looking into if you're going for something like that!
    xx nina

  2. I have no idea what to advise you about what to do with your blog/s, but I'll say, I adore reading your blog no matter what it is, and I'd be, well, a little disappointed if you gave up blogging entirely. So if you ask me, keep at least something going, and I'll keep reading! It's good to hear from you again!


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