Sunday, May 1, 2016

screen printing: part 1

Hello lovely readers!
Sorry about the radio silence over here last week. . . I have no excuse other than that I've been busy, but I'm back this week to talk about another project my design class is doing: screen printing. We're designing and printing our own t-shirts! I finished my design this week and have some process pictures to show you. 

Step 1: the design itself! I used one of my favorite quotes from Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. It's my favorite Shakespeare play and I absolutely adore this line in particular. Beatrice is such a fantastic character!

I wanted to do a flower wreath but could only do two colors (because the difficulty of screen printing increases with each additional color in a design), so this is what I finally came up with. 

Step 2: I created two separate documents, one for each color and put the corresponding design elements into each one, then converted them to black and white. Then I printed them out separately (on Special Paper!)

Step 3: Combining the designs. I had to fiddle with them a bit to line them up the way I wanted, and here's the result!

Stay tuned for more in the epic screen printing saga!


  1. The design goes so well with that beautiful quote! Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks! I hope to have the next part up by the beginning of next week!

  2. Hmm...that's really interesting Anna! I look forward to seeing more about this--especially the shirt.

    1. Thank you! We're hoping to be printing by next week and meanwhile I'll have another post up about what I did this week!

  3. This is cool! I'm interested in Graphic Design.
    Just so you know, I tagged you over at my blog! You don't have to do it, of course, but here it is:

    1. Graphic design is a lot of fun, isn't it? I didn't know you were interested in it but that's really cool! And thanks for the tag :) I am ashamed to say that I am sometimes horribly forgetful when it comes to doing tags, but I shall do my best! I just popped over there and I'm excited to answer your questions (although some of them are REALLY HARD, so I appreciate the "you can list multiple favorites" part. :) Because I definitely have more than one!)

    2. I am planning to major in Graphic Design! I look forward to reading your tag answers if you do it, but of course I understand if you don't! Haha.

    3. That's so cool! I probably should have guessed from you making your header so lovely! And I'm planning to do the tag-I just thought I should say that so if my forgetful brain deserts me in my time of need you would know that it's not that I didn't want to do it, it's just that my "fluff n' stuff" has failed me ;)

  4. That's beautiful! I love the quote :D


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