Wednesday, August 24, 2016

babies & puppies

To get better at drawing, I have to continually push myself to learn new skills and expand myvisual library. I'm working on drawing kids, which is a whole different skill set than drawing adults-and one I haven't practiced as much in the past. While I was looking for reference, I also found this puppy picture and I took the opportunity to work on some animal drawing skills as well. So here's a daily dose of cuteness for you!

I try to understand the forms and simplify them so the drawing reads well, and I think about the forms in 3D space-Glen Keane always talks about "drawing sculpturally", and that's a helpful though for me to keep in mind as I draw. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I really appreciated your advice about the monochromatic background and I'm quite happy with what it looks like now :)

  2. Aaahh! You're GOOD. I have such a hard time with animals, and especially with babies. (I should say had, not have, because I rarely even attempt drawing these days. :) But yours look absolutely amazing! You are definitely an artist! And sooooo adorable!!!

    1. Aaw, thank you so much!! That is so kind of you:)


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