Sunday, November 1, 2015

#inktober day 31: more inkPOEber

Thinking about Annabel Lee. . . some Sharpie sketches. I can't believe I did it! Inktober is done! I'm exhausted, but it was so worth it. I already miss it :) Sketches and Stats post coming in the next few days and a project I finished last month but haven't posted yet. Thanks so much to all of you for coming on this crazy Inktober journey with me! :)


  1. I just happened upon you in the middle of #Inktober but I'll still can't believe it's over. It's been fun to see all of your drawings!

    1. It was definitely quite a ride :) Hearing all of the kind comments people made it so much fun as well, so thank you for reading as well! :)

  2. These are actually pretty good sketches. I think the second one is my favorite--she could almost have red hair!

    1. Thanks Bethany! I'm glad you liked the sketches :)

  3. Hey Anna, just wanted to say how I loved your posting every day. It was fun to see what you were thinking about and drawing. You are a good artist. I miss looking every day and seeing something new. gma h

    1. Thank you :) I kind of miss posting every day too! I am actually planning to start posting every week instead of every other week because I liked it so much! I'm glad you like reading my blog :) Can't wait to see you this Christmas!


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