Sunday, April 10, 2016

jane eyre

I was working on some Jane Eyre character designs a while back and I want to pick back up on them, so here's something I did quickly to test out a different way of drawing Jane's hair.

I also worked on some designs for Blanche and Bertha, so maybe I'll show you some of those later. I'd like to work more on this project, so you may be seeing some more new designs in the future! Have a lovely week, everyone.


  1. pretty!! I really need to read that...

    1. Yes it's so good! And I need to read Vilette! I have to get through a couple more things on my TBR list but it's definitely on there and I'm really excited about it!

  2. Wow, that's amazing! Yes, yes, please show more! You have a gift <3

    1. Thank you, that's so kind!! :) I just finished a watercolor of Blanche and I'm hoping to post it soon.


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