Sunday, January 31, 2016

a foray into digital painting

I got a drawing tablet for Christmas (yay!) but haven't had much chance to learn to use it until now. The first real piece I tried with it was a study which came out kind of awful, so I'm not putting it on here, but I did do this thing to play around with blending and painting and such. It's quite a stiff learning curve, but if I'm able to put in the time I think I can figure it out. This is a humble beginning for sure, but I did teach myself the program I'm using (Krita) a bit better which will definitely help me with future pieces. Have a fantastic week, friends!


  1. I've hears of those tablets but never seen one. They sound neat and you did a lovely job! That picture makes me want to climb into a little red or yellow airplane and go soaring above those trees! :)

    1. I am having a lot of fun with my tablet-it's a blast so far! Thank you so much-this kind of makes me want to do a piece with an airplane now! :D

  2. I want to try digital! This is great! It's so simple and yet totally effective.

    1. You totally should! :) I've actually been able to find a lot of really great free programs to do digital things with that work really well! And thank you:) it was fun to make.


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