Sunday, January 24, 2016

psalm 24:3-4

Hello friends!
I tried to do a bit more with the actual typography this week. It always takes longer, but when I have the time I like to work on the design to make important words stand out. This was fun to do-I hope you enjoy it, :) Note: If you're looking at this post after having seen the original and wondering if I changed it-I did! After I exported the first version, I realized that it looked nice, but when I put it on my phone, the little row of icons at the bottom covered up a big part of the text and I couldn't crop it to my liking. Hence the new-and-improved version, which can be set as a phone background while still remaining fully legible (kind of defeats the purpose if you can't actually read the scripture, haha.)

I have an assignment from my design class to share that I might post later this week or next week (probably next week, because finals are this week and I'm not going to have much time for blogging until they're over. Yikes.) Also, I need to get back to posting some actual sketches-so once finals are over, I plan on uploading some of those for you guys as well.

Have a lovely week, everyone!


  1. I like the colors and hoe the contrast makes them "pop". It's fun to see the different fonts you use

    1. Finding fonts is really fun:) It can be difficult to find ones that are pretty, legible, and suited to my purpose without being overused. Both of these fonts are new to me and I really like them!


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