Tuesday, October 27, 2015

#inktober day 27: poofy dresses are fun to draw

This was super quick because today was a crazy day and when I have zero time, I resort to drawing girls in poofy dresses because, well, they're fun to draw. I'm pretty happy with the dress, not so much with her face/hair/entire upper body. Oh well.


  1. I like how you can see the flower prints bend with the fold.in her dress. Nice job!

  2. I like how you can see the flower prints bend with the fold.in her dress. Nice job!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you noticed-I worked especially hard on that :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you :) I really like drawing these skirts. I wish people still wore this kind of dress on a regular basis! Although it would certainly be inconvenient for everyday.


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