Thursday, October 13, 2016

#inktober day 13: swan song of a pen

My pen was close to expiring the whole time I was inking this, but I managed to finish before it completely died on me! Farewell, faithful pen. Maybe now I'll actually get around to going by Michael's and picking up some of those copic markers I've been eyeing for a while (or maybe I'll just get another one from the desk drawer. Let's not kid ourselves about the amount of time I'm going to have this weekend to go art-supply shopping: it will be limited in the extreme if it exists at all.)

And now, to bed. It's been a long week and the longest day is coming tomorrow. Toodle pip and cheerio, readers-I'll see you tomorrow!


  1. I like this one! It piques my curiosity - what is she doing with that rope? Does she have a horse on the other end? Is she on a ship? She looks to calm to be throwing it over a cliff to save someone. She looks quite calm, but also pensive... there's a story there...

  2. Thank you! It really makes me glad that you felt like there was a story behind it, because I've been trying to work on doing more purposeful storytelling with my drawings rather than just sketching. :)


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