Sunday, October 9, 2016

#inktober day 9: "no need to call me stepmother . . .

. . . Madam will do."

(yes, she is awful . . . but I had so much fun with that dress!)


  1. I've loved your last several posts! You've done a beautiful job!
    Okay, that one with the Regency (?) dress and the "her thoughts we're habitually her own companions" (or something like that, sorry...) I feel like I should know what it is! My guesses are Elinor Dashwood or Anne Elliot, but I don't know. Tell me? :)

    1. Thanks:) And yes it was a Regency dress!! :) The quote is from Mansfield Park (I finally finished it a few months ago and really liked it, although it's probably not my top Austen favorite) :)


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